Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning Spanish in the CCM

Dylan's first week in Argentina and the Spanish seems to be coming along.  He sounds happy and fitting in, what a relief it was to finally hear from him in such good spirits. 
Hey guys. P-day is Wednesday here not monday. How is everything there. I leave the C.C.M(Centro de Capacitacion Misional)or MTC) this saturday for prosyliting(proselyte). Sorry if that was spelled wrong. My english is way weird after so much spanish. I´m learning so much lately. Yeah I'm just going to write one letter for everyone so show these all to them. During P-days we just hang out and get our haircuts and have Actividad Fisica or Futbol haha. I love playing soccer here. The latinos are so good at it. I got a haircut today. Its so short and I look like a true latino. Everyone here thought I spoke spanish haha. The first 2 days, 11 people tried to talk to me in spanish. I was like ah no habla espaƱol haha. It was so funny. So yeah I dont know what else to write here. Its way fun but I've been super homesick lately. I miss the family y'know. I love the argentine accent here though. They dont speak fast but paraguains do. There are a couple of elders from paraguay here and almost all of us are going to paraguay haha. My whole group is going to my same mission lol. The lisp from the paraguains is way hard though. I cant understand them very well. I´m getting good at understanding spanish though and speaking it too. The argentines accent does a shuh sound on the y and ll in the middle and beginning of words its so cool. I have been trying to pick up the accent haha. My president here is way cool too. He knows a scripture for like any question. Like last night we asked about healing people and his testimony was insanely strong and he just says 'well I think we should turn to D+C chapter 16 verse 43 and we will find our answer there.' Its totally crazy. Well I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. I only get a half hour here. Try to write me all in one letter. Its easier that way. ps tell Elder Asays parents that he couldn´t log into his email today so he couldnt write; he is doing good though.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Departure to Buenos Aires

Dylan's leaving was hardest for those he left behind I believe.  His attitude was positive and he was excited to get started.  Dylan made comments to missing his Sister and Brother, and all those who have influenced him during his childhood years.  He is so grown-up yet plays all the child games like pokemon this makes it hard for Nyah.   His arrival into Argentina was on time and we received the following at 6:30am 7-19-2012.  

Yeah it's totally great here. It's not that hot here. The flight was long but I made it safely. I'll talk to you soon. We are just writing to tell you we made it here. Love you guys and talk to you on Monday.

Boeing 767-300 he flew on landing in what could be Buenos Aires


Farewell Sunday

I thought for those that may have missed his talk and for records I would post his written version of his talk.  He did so well, it was emotional and spiritual.  You can really see the change happening even before he leaves. 

·        Opener (Padawan braid for a year, now I’ve become a Jedi. Super powers)
·        Where I am going on my mission.
o   Going to Paraguay, heading straight to MTC in Argentina.
·        Restoration (of this church, the church of JC, LDS)
o   Background check. (GA and LD)
§  The church has been restored numerous times on this earth and each one has been followed by an Apostasy. We just got done with the GA which is the longest one of them all and occurred right after our savior was crucified.
§  Following this GA is the LD, which is the time period we are in now. It is the final time the church will be restored as after this dispensation the second coming of Jesus Christ will occur.
o   Joseph smiths family background
§  Lets talk about JS. He was 14 and a determined and open minded boy who came from a religious family but was never really part of any particular church.
§  He began to ponder about which church was true and which he should join.
§  One night he came across a scripture passage while reading the bible. It was James 1:5 and it read, ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. (scripture spoke to JS)
§  JS realized he needed to kneel down in sincere prayer and ask our heavenly father this question of which church was true.
o   Joseph went to a grove near his house one morning and prayed.
·        I’ve noticed the difference in my life from prayer and scripture study.
o   Most of us start with our parents’ testimony and we need to grow our own.
o   Thank my early morning seminary teachers for teaching me.
§  They helped me find my testimony of the church.
·        Restoration (lets continue on with our story of JS)
o   Joseph’s prayer with Heavenly father. (JSH 1:15-16)
§  JS was a very strong willed boy to have been able to push through that torment.
§  The devils grasp was around his throat but he had such great faith in our HF to keep pushing through this torment and speak to god through prayer.
o   Joseph was told all the churches were wrong. Because they did not have the fullness of the gospel.
o   Joseph was told that through him the church would be restored. He then worked hard and did as he was asked, so that the true church would become prevalent on this earth once more.
·        Missionary
o   As a missionary I will be continuing Josephs work to bring people into the light of the restored gospel. There are about 15 million members in our church today. Seems like a lot but we have a long ways to go as there’s 7 billion people living on this earth.
o   I decided to become a missionary, to share this truth to others and serve my HF.
o   I am excited to serve the people of Paraguay and learn their culture and language.
o   Talk about mission…
§  Met with missionary, mission for me. Can’t wait to see what’s in store.
·        Restoration
o   Book of Mormon
§  Through JS, the church progressed in many ways. Joseph continued to try and communicate with our father in heaven and was visited many times by angels. One night, the angel Moroni visited Joseph and told him of ancient records hidden upon a hill. This ancient record was the Book of Mormon.
§  JS retrieved the record and through the power of god, he was able to translate the writing.

§  Testimony: The Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ. It goes alongside the Holy Bible, not replaces it. I have read much of the BoM and know that it is true. All of the stories are real and through heavenly power, Joseph Smith was able to return this record to us.
o   Priesthood
§  As JS was translating the BoM, he read of priesthood powers and baptism. JS began to pray for guidance on this matter, and was soon visited by John the Baptist. He baptized both JS and OC and gave them the Aaronic priesthood.
§  Later; Peter, James, and John (three of Christ’s original apostles) gave JS and OC the Melchizedek priesthood.
o   With the full priesthood, Joseph Smith organized and restored the true and complete church of Jesus Christ.
o   The church has grown immensely and continues to grow through missionary service.
o   Temple ordinance
§  The final piece to the full restoration of this church was the temple. Through temple ordinances, we can all be connected to our savior and HF.
§  The temple gives each of us the ability to return to our HF if we keep the covenants we make with him. Through temple work it is our opportunity to help the dead so they can accept the gospel in heaven, as missionary work progresses there.
§  My uncle Daron died just before he served on his mission. He was struck by cancer and was unable to serve. Although he was not able to do missionary work here on earth, I know that he is teaching the gospel to many who have passed away.
o   The restoration is a wonderful thing. We have all truly been blessed and we should all share this wonderful gospel to others.
§  As members, it is our responsibility to invite others to church and to read the BoM.
§  Step by step we improve and through friendship, love, and genuine compassion, each of us can introduce the gospel to a non-member, and bring to them the salvation of a complete and restored church; The Church of JC of LDS.
§  All of this has come from a simple prayer of a boy, who believed his Father in Heaven loved him enough to answer.
·        Once again I am excited to serve and teach the people of Paraguay.
·        Thank family and members of the church.
o   Brother, parents, grandparents on both sides.
o   Thank bishop. All my family friends in the ward, especially Doug Jackson for being a great home teaching companion and such a loving and caring guy. He has been with me in SYC and in priests quorum. He has truly helped me become a missionary.
·        Testimony
o   Yo se que jesus cristo vive. Yo se que joseph smith fue un profeta. Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera. Yo se que la mission de Paraguay es para mi.
o   I know this church is true. I know that Joseph Smith has restored the true church to us and I am eternally grateful. I know that through the atonement, I can return to my father in heaven and live with my family for all time. I am so grateful to have the church in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Orchard 5th ward house

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Site under construction... 

Dylan is preparing and celebrating the last few days with family in California and returning to Utah July 11th.  Please plan for Dylan's farewell on July 15 at 11:00am at the Bountiful Orchard stake house.   All celebrate with us following his farewell at our home in NSL UT.

Dylan will report to the Argentina MTC in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, his flight departs at 12:20pm.