Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Buenos Aires Temple Dedication

Emailed on 9-12-12

We watched the celebrations in Argentina via YouTube: Search for Celebracion de la Joventud Argentina.

We actually found him in the sea of missionaries.  It was fantastic to see him participating in such a great event with the members.  He had a spiritual high of a week and now prepares for departure to Paraguay.  Enjoy his comments:

So,  A ton of stuff happened this last week. First, I loved the package. Thanks so much for all that candy and corvatas(Ties) haha. That newspaper was tight too. And I didn't see the courier so give them my thanks for bringing the package. So this last weekend was the dedication for the Buenos Aires Temple which was way cool. I couldn't take pictures of any of the events though. Stupid rules right? Once in a life time stuff but whatever. So on Friday, all of the missionaries in the 3 Buenos Aires missions and in the CCM had a devotional where E' Christopherson, E' Ballard, and President Eyring spoke. It was a prime time dawg. Wonderful talks, great for missionaries and for me. Saturday there was a cultural event that we were in. It was all day so we didn't proselyte but I loved the event so much. You know me, I love seeing other cultures. We were in a stadium in the city and there was music, singing, and dancing. Pres. Eyring and the two Apostles spoke a little for it too. Then at the end all the missionaries marched onto the field singing "llamados a servir" (called to serve). It was pretty legendary. I tell you what, Argentines LOVE their missionaries. We are practically famous here. They all wanted pictures with us and they were cheering, it was tight.

Then comes Sunday, we watched the first session of the dedication and one of my teachers from the CCM was in the choir for it. The dedication was sweet in Spanish and later that night during a fireside with the CCM pres. I shook the Area Presidents hand, it was E' Mervyn B. Arnold in the picture you sent me.  Entonces(In otherwords), I shook a General Authority's hand, Whuttup Ché! and today I went to do endowments here with some other missionaries. I had headphones so it was in English, but I tried to do some of it in Spanish and dude, it was hard. It was fun and interesting but super hard. The people that help you were slurring their speech so just 'No entiendo(Don’t Understand) dawg' haha. This temple is so beautiful and radical. Look at some photos of it, ché. So normal life here in the CCM is pretty cool. Learning tons of Spanish and now I'm doing like full conversations with some Latinos. My Spanish is straight bumpin' haha. The weather is getting super hot here and I'm slight sick. Hopefully it's not from the 50 mosquito bites I have from playing soccer. Me and E' Francis, the new American from California, are way tight. We talk all the time, he's probably my favorite person here. It's too bad he's going to Uruguay, Montevideo mission. So, one more week here then I bounce. My letter next week will be short probably because I leave on Tuesday. Thanks again for the package, love you guys. Oh and check out this sick knot I learned not to tie! Peace out, Bellsprout.

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