Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning Spanish in the CCM

Dylan's first week in Argentina and the Spanish seems to be coming along.  He sounds happy and fitting in, what a relief it was to finally hear from him in such good spirits. 
Hey guys. P-day is Wednesday here not monday. How is everything there. I leave the C.C.M(Centro de Capacitacion Misional)or MTC) this saturday for prosyliting(proselyte). Sorry if that was spelled wrong. My english is way weird after so much spanish. I´m learning so much lately. Yeah I'm just going to write one letter for everyone so show these all to them. During P-days we just hang out and get our haircuts and have Actividad Fisica or Futbol haha. I love playing soccer here. The latinos are so good at it. I got a haircut today. Its so short and I look like a true latino. Everyone here thought I spoke spanish haha. The first 2 days, 11 people tried to talk to me in spanish. I was like ah no habla español haha. It was so funny. So yeah I dont know what else to write here. Its way fun but I've been super homesick lately. I miss the family y'know. I love the argentine accent here though. They dont speak fast but paraguains do. There are a couple of elders from paraguay here and almost all of us are going to paraguay haha. My whole group is going to my same mission lol. The lisp from the paraguains is way hard though. I cant understand them very well. I´m getting good at understanding spanish though and speaking it too. The argentines accent does a shuh sound on the y and ll in the middle and beginning of words its so cool. I have been trying to pick up the accent haha. My president here is way cool too. He knows a scripture for like any question. Like last night we asked about healing people and his testimony was insanely strong and he just says 'well I think we should turn to D+C chapter 16 verse 43 and we will find our answer there.' Its totally crazy. Well I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. I only get a half hour here. Try to write me all in one letter. Its easier that way. ps tell Elder Asays parents that he couldn´t log into his email today so he couldnt write; he is doing good though.

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