Thursday, August 16, 2012

Raining in Buenos Aires

Dylan sounds so great, loving the learning.  

Hola mis amigos. ¿cómo esta Utah sin mi? ¡estoy aprendando español muy rapido, es loco! ahora, solomiente hablo español. ¡Eek! jajajaja. Broma.
Hello my friends. how this Utah without me? I am learning Spanish very fast, it's crazy! now, I only speak Spanish. Eek! jajajaja. Joke
lol. but for reals Im learning so much spanish. now that i've learned the basics. it's getting really hard. I love it though. I found out that the spanish program in the Provo MTC is 9 weeks long, but here in the CCM they condense the program into 5 weeks. so we learn spanish in 5 weeks, then review for one week, then we get a latino companion for the last 3 weeks. So in 2 weeks I get a latino companion and I go to the all spanish class, training like the natine speakers. So besides the language it's been fun here. Proselitismo on Saturday was fun but also a bummer. Fun because it was pouring rain on us. We were just laughing the whole time haha. But because of the rain, people wouldn't answer the gate to get a pamphlet. We barely had any success but that's all ok. Keep Moving Forward right? So yesterday we played futbol americano and then it started to rain. It was a full out downpour and our field is not very good so the rain turned it all into mud haha. We were sliding everywhere, just straight up gettin' dirty bro. Some peoples clothes were white when we started and now they are brown haha. It was so much fun. so yeah, how's the ward? what's going on in Utah? Keep me posted. Yo los amo, en inglés, I love you guys. Have a good week. Chau.

Extra Comments:

Connie told him about Gurarani on the Paraguayan News and how we can't understand it at all. 
Dylan comments, Yeah I learned how to count to 10 in guarani today. It is completely loco. Makes no sense at all. water is y. which sounds like ul. haha
Yeah I'm doing great thanks love you guys. how is utah.

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