Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wake up and learn Spanish - ALL DAY

Today was full of anticipation, and we were rewarded with both insight into his life and precious moments of faith. I have combined emails to create this collage of comments and stories. He sounds so great, I hear his voice in each word. I now understand missionary parent's love for P-days.
So I hear my blog is pretty chill. Elder Holgate and Elder Lumpkin are my companions. So yeah. Proselitismo was Saturday and it was way sketchy. We knew like hardly any Spanish but we were still able to get 3 appointments. It was kind of a bummer though because we went to a wealthy neighborhood and we had to clap on a lot of doors and not many people would talk to us. but this story I’m gonna tell yeah happened TWICE on Saturday. so we got to the corner of a block and didn’t know which way to go, so me and my companions stopped to pray and right after we prayed, we knocked or clapped at the house right behind us and they talked to us and we set up appointments for next Saturday. It was so cool. Its gonna be tough teaching them but we have been learning Spanish super fast here. It will be fun and a neat experience. We definitely had the gift of tongues and interpretation with us on Saturday. I don’t even know what it was but sometimes I just knew exactly what the Argentines said. It was way cool. So the MTC life is kind of boring. Wake up and learn Spanish like ALL DAY but it’s pretty chill. We play soccer a lot though and we have some pretty great devotionals. We went through the temple yesterday. It was super gorgeous and the baptismal font is crazy. So we can’t take pictures except for every third Sunday before people leave, so I don’t have many pictures. But this Sunday I’m going to take loads of pictures and next Wednesday I have 2 hours to email so I'll talk to you guys then as they say in Argentina. ¡Chau! .
”How was your Saturday out of the MTC proselytiting?”
The food is way good and prosilyting was fun.  I have 3 appointments for this Saturday to teach people. It’s gonna be tough but the lord will let us speak clearly and understand and help the investigator. The food is different every day and no we don’t help with the temple but we went to the open house!!! Yeah next week I have 2 hours to write you guys because there will only be like 16 Americans in the MTC. Everyone leaves the MTC on Tuesday. Well I forgot to write about the gross hot dogs here. They have like a rubber film around this gross red meat haha. ok well I'll write next week
how is everything I love you guys so much o and that picture is way rad(We sent him the picture from the Clipper of the 2000 strippling warriors) To Nyah: I miss the puppies they are so cute and I hope flip gets better. Love you gangsta!

“Do you need anything?” 
Where is my pocket knife? and send envelopes and US stamps and a new watch battery. “Missionaries can send letters through the pouch that get mailed by the church office to addresses wihtin the USA. We didn’t send him with any, so you parents who are preparing missionaries for foreign countries take note of this item, we regret it.”

Like I said I have 2 hours so it will be sweet!!!! Ok love you guys. ¡Chau!

President Kenneth Lynn Openshaw

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