Sunday, August 12, 2012

Book of Mormon delivered

Dylan didn't actually send his letter until Thursday this week, Wednesday was a day of waiting and disappointment.  Yet thursday came with several notes and his letter, I have tried to tie the comments all together, with a note from his companion Elder Holgate.  I am so proud of him and his efforts. 

Hey sorry I couldn't write yesterday. Our internet was down until now.
     What´s up guys! So the rain has been insane! I´ve never seen so much rain, not even in Costa Rica bro! The thunder is super loud too. So the days are getting faster which is nice.
     Ok so story time. Proselitismo was on Saturday right, all 3 of our appointments bailed which stunk. We went to the same houses and different people answered the door. Haha Wat. But at the end, we were clapping houses and I saw this lady walking towards us. I said ‘hey lets talk to her’ so we did and she started rambling off on us. At first I thought she was getting mad at us because she said she was Evangelic and she said ‘malo’ like 50 times. I had no idea what she was saying haha. But then in my mind the word ‘Leerá’ came up, which is Spanish for ‘will you read’. After awhile she said she had to go but I told her to wait and gave her a Book of Mormon. I asked her to read it and she was like super happy. She said ‘for me? For me?’ Then she started crying and stuff. I invited her to go to church the next day and she agreed to go. Hopefully she did. But when she left my companions said the spirit interpreted everything she said for them. Apparently she was thanking us; saying our work is good and most boys our age are bad and she’s had great experiences from the bible. It was killer. Definitely a great prompting, so on that note.
Everyone at the C.C.M. left yesterday and its me and 18 other American missionaries until tomorrow. It’s crazy to think after 3 weeks you could get so close to some people. I will miss loads of my new friends. Oh, and no new Americans are coming in tomorrow, only latinos. Spanish is coming but now it’s getting pretty difficult. Have you heard of alfajors? It’s a 2-3 layer cookie with straight up Dulce de Leche in between the cookies. They are stellar. I eat so many. I am like addicted to Dulce de Leche bro. I’ve gained like 3 pounds here, which is amazing for me. I eat Bananas and Dulce de Leche 3 times a day haha. The food is good here, especially when we’re here alone haha.
     So what’s going on up in the states? O I forgot to tell you about the mad pranks we’ve been pulling. When people have been showing we fill a an empty trash can full of cold water and dump it on them and then one time we rotated the bunk beds around so the ladder was against the wall haha. So yesterday since it was only my group and the American group before us here for Actividad Fisica, we played against each other. My team lost but it was way fun and we all bonded close together from it. We’re the only English speakers here for the next 3 weeks haha. But yeah that’s about it. Miss the friends and family lots but time is speeding up. Mad love, and until next week yo. Lets Keep Moving Forward yeah? As they say in Argentina, ¡Chau Ché!
    Love you guys. so I will be in the MTC for 6 more weeks. they rotate us every 3 weeks

Additional Emails and responses to questions.  We asked if he needed anything. Have you sent the package? I also need parchment to write letters and a converter because the outlets here send too many watts through for our electronics. I also need some notebooks because mine is already low on paper. thanks. Send the packages to paraguay then. I would like that stuff though.  I wrote back quickly and indicated that his electronics are fine with the voltage of Argentina. Sweet. No we can only stay in our 10 block area while prosylting.

Elder Braden Holgate is his companion and wrote this about the experience they had on the streets of Buenos Aires.  It touched our heart as he referenced Elder Memmott.
"this passed saturday when we went, i knew something amazing would happen. we went to each appointment, but every door, a different person answered each door, claiming they dont know who we were talking about. Oh well. because we didnt teach them, we came across three different people during the time we would have been teaching, all of them were street contacts. the first two were good. we understood about 20 percent of what they said. but the last one was an older woman. we had 30 minutes left, so we were just going to finish off the block and meet up at the bus. during the second door we knocked, she walked by. normally we would just say hi, but we were prompted to talk to her. we introdued ourselves and she went on talking for about 3 minutes without stopping. Elder Memmott said he couldnt pick up much of it and thought she was  bashing on the bible and religion. i know about a forth of the language of what Elder Memmott and Elder Lumpkin know. but i knew the spirit was there, because i understood almost all of it. i needed to hear what she said so i could speak to her. she was talking about how the bible has been so good to her and her family, but she knew something was missing. she said she had to be somewhere and started to walk away. Elder Memmott was prompted to stop her and ask her to read the Book of Mormon. he knew what to ask without knowing what she said. she asked"¿para mi? about 5 times in astonishment. and broke down in tears. she then went on saying she knew this is what she was looking for and said it is amazing for 19 year old boys giving up two years of their lives and walked away reading it. "

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