Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pictures are wonderful

This week was extra special because we found all the pictures Dylan was sending.  They were not coming through regular email.  He is working hard on the language, soon I will have to use bing translate to post his letters as he writes more and more in Spanish.  Hope this inspires you, He passed along a scripture that means a lot to him right now 3 Nephi 27:13.. enjoy... 

Hola mis amigos. (Hello all my friends) ¿cómo esta los estados unidos? (How is everyone in the United States)so this past week was alright. Kind of the same as usual. I can't believe it's already been over a month here. The first few weeks at the time felt like months but now looking back it seems so fast. 1 more week until the new set of latinos. We were told we might not have any new English speaking missionaries coming here. If that happens, my group would be the only English speakers and there will be no English class. I love latinos but I might go insane with no new English blood here haha. So in a week and a half Ill get my new latino companion. I’m excited but scared, it will be interesting haha. We'll see just how much Spanish I’ve learned. So proselitismo, it was much better this week. It didn't rain and we talked to loads of people. Literally, we got off the bus and said a prayer, then the first TWO houses we clapped we gave pamphlets and Libros de Mormón to and the families said they would attend church. We're meeting back with them and 2 other houses this Saturday. We met a guy named Nathan, he had a sweet lemon tree and garden in his front yard. We talked to this other guy too, I forget his name but he's super nice. We talked to him for a whole hour it was great. We had so much success that we had to run to the bus so that it wouldn't leave us. Well until next week. yo los amo a ellos much. no puedo esperar por proximo miercoles porque teneré cuatro horas escribir a mi familia. ¡Chau!

So just to give a basic idea of my daily life here in the CCM, I´ll give you my schedule. I wake up at 6:30 and get ready for the day. Then I eat breakfast at 7:25 which is always cereal.  Next I have personal study at 8 and companion study/progressive investigator at 9. Then assisted study at 10, where we just get help from our teacher. At 11 we have grammar study where we learn how to conjugate verbs, basically just learning Spanish. At 12:35 we have lunch which is usually a pretty big meal. At 1:00 we have Book of Mormon studies for a half hour with an hour of assisted study right after. Then we have language study until 3:30 where we just practice Spanish on our own. Then at 3:30 we have physical activity where I usually play soccer, aka fútbol. At 5 I have progressive investigator again or working on TALL. Progressive investigator is where our teachers pretend they are an investigator and we do mock visitations as missionaries. It´s pretty cool, it’s a great learning tool. TALL is a computer program that teaches us Spanish. That is also way cool. TALL helps me learn a ton of Spanish way fast. Then we have grammar at 6 and dinner at 6:45.  At 7:30 we either have more grammar or assisted study. And then we plan at 9 for the next day. There are a lot of other random stuff that changes our schedule every day such as learning stuff in our preach my gospel teaching manual. We have lots of devotionals as well. That’s pretty much my day to day. It’s pretty boring and repetitive but whatever and then every Saturday we have proselitismo.

Si estoy aprendiendo mucho español. es loco. proximo semana obteneré un compañero latino.
  We asked him if he needed anything and had been back to the temple open house. 
Nah I dont need anything. I've gone to the open house already but I don’t know about a session or the dedication. I know Eyring or someone is giving us a devotional. Ballard, Eyring, and Christopherson will be here.

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