Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Alone at the CCM

All of the other Americans have left the MTC for Asuncion North or Uruguay. 

So this week was pretty chill.   Proselyting was ok, nothing big happened it was a normal day, o crap just kidding so not this last Saturday but the one before we met this lady named bertha but we didn’t have much time to talk to her so we gave her a plan de salvación folleto and asked her to read it. Then this week we went to visit her twice and she wasn’t home either time so we just said o well and continued our day. Then later we came across her and I forgot who she was because we meet so many people but my companion recognized her and she said she read the pamphlet and absolutely loved it so we gave her the book of Mormon and la restauración folleto(restoration pamphlet) and she said she would go to church the next day. Who knows if she actually went to church but she’s way nice and she seems like she probably went.   Yeah bertha seems like a great lady. The rain has stopped and it’s starting to get hot. I was playing goalkeeper during fútbol the other day and I was just standing there and i felt like I might break a sweat haha.

It's just me and 8 other missionaries en la CCM until Thursday.  It's nice to have some peace and quiet but I miss everyone else. I gave out so many of my information cards to my new friends. The Americans that just left were my favorites, they were so chill. One of them was E' Deaver, who's from Las Vegas, he was telling me that we were going to hang out and get all you can eat sushi in the Vegas. Sounds like a good time to me jaja. lol. Well this last set of latinos were crazy, they had like water fights and would play ninja all the time. They were so chill though. The last few days we started trading ties. I got two new ties but I need you to send me some more ties to trade because I love all the ones I have now jaja. So I met another E' Memmott here. He's in the Buenos Aires west mission. He says his ancestors are from the colonies, does that connect us? Grandma only tells us about the watts family, I don’t know the Memmott heritage jaja. E' Memmott is from California, he's pretty chill and he's pretty white. We could be related. So check out this song we sang in sacrament on Sunday. 

V1: We are marching.
We are marching in the service of our lord,
endowed with power from on high....from on high.
Armed with faith to teach his holy word.
For the lord is nigh.
Chorus: Oh We, Oh we all labor in the service of god,
with heart might mind and strength.
ever onward, holding with faith the iron rod.
ever onward, forward with faith we serve our god.
V2: Faiths the power and obedience the price,
to serve our savior valiantly.....valiantly.
loves the motive and the spirit key,
for eternity....for eternity.

That is the Vanuatu missionary song. Its way up beat. I'll try to get a video of it. I told you we have a missionary from the island of Vanuatu right? It’s an island near fiji he's way rad. O so during proselitismo we found a bakery and they ha pizzas! we ate one right there and it was way good so we bought another to eat during the movie on sunday and everyone started laughing when they saw the pizza. It wasn't the full pizza, just the crust and sauce jaja. So my companions and I decided to ask the chef here if he could put cheese on it and cook it and he's way nice so he said sure. When he gave us the cooked pizza on sunday, it had a layer of ham and cheese and slices of sausage and olives and random seasonings all over it! It was so funny when we went to the movie session with our pizza. It was so good jaja. Well yeah that's it this week. How's my bud's in the ward? What's Zach, Stets, Megan, and Natalie up to? Tell everybody what's up. ok well mad love and Til' We Meet Again.
So on mondy I get my latino companion. I'm super excited.  So today I weeded some of the temple grounds. The dedication is in 2 weeks and apparently there is rumor that we will be doing something for it and we will be on tv. Dont take my word for it though haha but that would be cool if you watched it. Bear Lake looks way fun I wish I could be there.

with the money in the drawer? haha so we started selling them to the new latinos because they don’t proselyte on the first Saturday so they all wanted candy but didn’t have any. That’s just a picture of the stash me and my companion had. The banana and dulce de leche is showing you what I eat 5 times a day haha.   Chau.

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