Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Arrival in Paraguay via Brazil

Emailed 9-17-12

Dylan, we think, headed for Paraguay on a local flight that traveled through San Paulo, Brazil.  His final comment warmed my heart, glad to hear he arrived safely.

So this past week was pretty good. Finished with the CCM y’know. I’m like excited to go but not. I’m gonna miss all my buddies here. I’ve made so many great friends here, some I won’t see ever again, it sucks bro. But I’m pretty stoked to leave for Paraguay tomorrow. My flight is at 6 AM, so 3 AM your time. It’s gonna be killer but hey! It’s better than the flight to Uruguay at 4 AM. Proselitismo was a downer on Saturday. Literally like no one would talk to us, we only gave 2 pamphlets out and I had to practically shove the pamphlet into their hands. Oh and a bird pooped on my head during proselitismo. It sucked but it was pretty dang funny I must admit haha. I was reaching in my backpack to grab some more pamphlets and the bird side-skirted my head haha. And to go with the poop, I got like 15 new mosquito bites haha. I’m getting straight eaten alive by those blood suckers. I got to be more careful, ‘cause I heard the mosquitos in Paraguay are super gnarly compared to the ones here in Argentina. I’m also kind of sick which sucks. Just a cough and a stuffy nose but I think it’s getting better. So past all that, my last Sunday here was pretty great. We talked about the priesthood power to heal. Some scriptures for yeah to read are DyC 42:43 and Mark chapters 5-6. Some really great stories of healing by the priesthood. So yeah then there’s today we have orientation, literamente all day. But yeah tomorrow will be tight. I’ll finally be in Paraguay. Can’t wait to tell you about my first week there. ¡Chau Ché!

12:30pm Tuesday September 18, 2012; So I'm in Paraguay now. I get my companion tomorrow morning and I'm having a great time here.

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