Saturday, September 8, 2012

All Spanish

He is immersed in Spanish now with a companion from Ecuador.  We told him about our trip to Shakespeare and Aladdin. 

So this last proselitismo was fantastic. It was a great way to end my first companionship. We only covered 2 blocks of area but we gave out 6 Libros de Mormón, countless pamphlets, and we got 9 references for other missionaries. Oh and guess what! Pres. Eyring is doing a fireside on Friday for all of the missionaries in the area and the missionaries in the CCM get to go as well. And it's in English!!! Sounds like a good time. So I got my Latino companion. His name is E' Apolo, he's from Ecuador and he doesn't speak ANY English. Usually gringos get someone that speaks a little English but nope. In my classes too, I’m the only one that speaks English. It's so hard bro. I understand almost everything they say but they want me to answer these in depth questions and I'm like 'Dawg, I can’t just speak a paragraph of in depth doctrine in Spanish.' haha. It's rough but it should get better. so I'm already way close to some of the new Latinos. Love them, they're so crazy haha. Or in Guaraní, 'Netavy'. there's 4 new Americans, 2 elders and 2 hermanas. The two elders are E' Francis, from California, and E' Pyper, from Oklahoma. They're both way cool, I talk to them a lot. but yeah that's pretty much it. I hope you guys are keeping it real for me. I'm super jelly about the plays. Dude I miss musicals haha. My Comp is way tight. He's in the big email. He's fun but a little difficult to understand. All in all during class I understand almost everything but I struggle to answer back haha. Thanks for all the love and prayers I need it. Yesterday was way rough I was just spent from so much Spanish. So too kill a mockingbird, I remember it but I read it back in sophomore year where I barely paid attention in English haha. But yeah now I'm remembering the main plot. Such a good book, I need to read it again when I come home. I hope all is well in UTAH. Love you guys.
¡Chau Ché!

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